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B i o g r a p h y


Dr. Medicinecrow has spent over 30 years as a Master Shaman and wholistic practitioner, teaching, supporting and guiding people to heal mind, body and spirit. 


He practices in Australia, New Zealand and the USA - providing shamanic healings, ceremonies,  body work and ortho-bionomy, NLP life coaching, mentoring, hypnotherapy, seminars, retreats, and musical performances.   

Medicinecrow is Principal Chief of the New Jersey Sand Hill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians, is an ordained minister, holds a Ph.D. Religious Philosophy,

a Doctor of Metaphysics, and Master Status in the esoteric disciplines of Huna,

Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki and Isis Seichim, is a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,

and Certified NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) Life Coach and Mentor.  

 Dr. Medicinecrow is Director of the School of Shamanic Studies, a published writer,        an award winning musical artist, and is an exciting and dynamic motivational speaker who  walks his talk


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